EUropean Space, Aerial and Terrestrial assets supporting first responders' operations
Natural disasters - intended as hurricanes, landslides, fires, avalanches, flooding, earthquakes, industrial accidents, terroristic attacks, eruptions, pollution, etc… - have been seriously threatening the well-being of the global society.
Over the past 50 years, more than 11,000 disasters have been attributed to weather, climate and water-related hazards, involving 2 million deaths.
While the average number of deaths recorded for each disaster has fallen by a third during this period, the number of recorded disasters has increased five times and the economic losses have increased by a factor of seven.
Current findings from the United Nations Global Assessment Report on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) points out that the economic loss from disasters such as earthquakes, hurricanes and flooding range from US$250 billion to US$300 billion each year.
In this context Space assets, such as satellites and remotely piloted aircraft (drones), can play a crucial role in emergency response and disaster management.
The purpose of the EUSATfinder is to provide an innovative integrated and scalable solution to support first responders in real-life during different operational phases and improving citizens wellbeing. In particular, in the tactical phase, EUSATfinder aims at improving the intervention capability and reducing the reaction time using shared capacities from different governmental (GOVSATCOM) and private satellite systems interoperable with terrestrial communication services.
System concept
The purpose of the EUSATfinder is to provide an innovative integrated and scalable solution, to support decision maker actors in real-life during different operational phases (detection, preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation of emergencies) with particular focus to first responders’ activities in situ for a disaster management. The solution is based on a mobile operational centre (MOC) able to join in the proximity of the emergency area and to deploy several assets to support the operations [MORE...]
Validation Campaign

CPAs need a robust monitoring approach that uses reliable data frequently acquired over wide areas (i.e., at a regional scale) for forecasting, prevention, and emergency activities....

In CPA (Civil Protection Authorities) practices, the need for intervention criteria based on quantified risk is rising and becoming decisive for implementing effective disaster risk reduction strategies...
EUSATfinder project has been funded by EUSPA
EUSPA provides safe and secure European satellite navigation services, advances the commercialization of Galileo, EGNOS, and Copernicus data and services, engages in secure SATCOM (GOVSATCOM & IRIS2), and operates the EU SST Front Desk. EUSPA is also responsible for accrediting the security of all EU Space Programme components. By fostering innovation in the space sector and above and collaborating with the EU Space community, EUSPA contributes to the European Green Deal and digital transition, enhances Union safety and security, and strengthens autonomy and resilience [MORE...]